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Website Audit

Hacking techniques are constantly evolving. Regular security audits are critical to maintain website security.

Google Blacklist Removal

Has your website been hacked and subsequently blacklisted? We can help get it back on its feet.

Security & Updates

Keep your website safe and running flawlessly with the latest updates and protection against malware.

Website Backup

Be ready and able to instantly restore your website in the case it is compromised by malicious activity.

You have a great website.

Is it secure? Who is maintaining it?

You may laugh, but the fact is every passing minute someone is trying to hack into your beautiful website.

I am only a small business selling flowers – why would someone hack me? Well, it doesn’t matter how big or small your business is – a potential hack can allow sensitive information to be abused by the hacker, i.e. your customer email addresses, customer credit card information.

Once a website is hacked, a hacker can use your website to host his own content and abuse your web traffic or spread malware for his personal gain – resulting in your website getting blacklisted and blocked by major search engines and security software.

All of which means: If your website is not maintained, your business reputation could be at stake.

We offer a FREE Consultation to discuss what can be done to make your existing website secure and hack-proof.

Website Audit

Websites built using open frameworks such as WordPress, Joomla etc. need constant attention. Like your computer, periodic updates are released for core framework & installed plugins. These updates are critical for patching up any discovered security loopholes, flaws or vulnerabilities that may exist.

Blacklist Removal

If your website is infected most browsers such as chrome, firefox and antivirus systems will flag your website not safe. Google’s search engine will list your website as not safe to browse if your website code is compromised. We can perform a number of steps to remove your website, domain and IP address from the blacklist – restoring the online user’s confidence.

Security & Update

Hackers are constantly learning new tricks, uncovering security flaws that allow them to penetrate your website code and inject malicious codes to steal sensitive customer information. This allows hackers to generate traffic for their own gain or even to spam users using your website resources. Damage to online an business reputation is irreparable, and it may take years!

Website Backup

Don’t wait for your website to be compromised to do something about it. If you are unprepared for such an event sensitive data can be difficult and time consuming to recover and reinstate. With our website backup solutions, your website can be back up and running in no time.

Get in Touch With Us

Unit 2, Church Street, Kilcock Co. Kildare W23 HW89

Mon – Saturday – 10:00am – 6:00pm

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